Here are the most important factors to consider when choosing security solutions for the retail industry
Retail security refers to the actions that retailers take to keep shoppers and colleagues safe and to reduce the risk of theft. Strategies for achieving this include installing CCTV cameras, hiring retail security guards and implementing various merchandising or store layout techniques proven to reduce theft risk.
The presence of a security system deters theft, which allows business owners to have peace of mind knowing that the likelihood of shoplifting is low. When employees in a business feel safe, they can fully dedicate their attention to other aspects of the business, not having to worry about retaining their inventory.
There are certain types of security risks to be alert for,
including, shoplifting
theft by staff
aggressive customers or staff
vandalism and terrorist activity
Security personnel should be trained to
Identify security risks
Identify the situations that can make staff and yourself less alert for security risks
Know how to deal with those situations
To understand where your security is lacking you need to know exactly what items are being targeted and how they’re being taken. That means you should have a comprehensive grasp on your inventory levels to identify the volume and type of items stolen.
Certain times of the year may be more prone to shoplifting, along with specific times of the day. Know when shoplifting is likely to occur so you can address it with extra staff or additional security measures.
You cannot pick a shoplifter based on race, gender or socio-economics. Statistics consistently indicate shoplifters come from all walks of life.
Understand suspicious behavior
While appearance may not indicate shoplifting, suspicious behavior can. Watch for behavioral indicators like loitering, failing to make eye contact, carrying excess baggage and bulky clothing.
Good relationships with both your staff and employees can serve to minimize both shoplifting and employee theft.
Ensuring your retail outlet has sufficient staff helps protect against a range of criminal behavior including shoplifting. Adequate staff numbers ensure team members aren’t too busy to watch and assist customers.
The simple act of meeting and greeting customers significantly reduces the threat of retail crime. Why? Because patrons are immediately made aware that staff are paying attention.
There’s no single solution to shop security. Instead, it involves multiple layers that span both product-based protection and storewide surveillance.
CCTV can monitor the whole store or specific areas like the checkout. Its obvious presence helps reduce the potential for crime and can also identify perpetrators later.
Position your checkout near the entrance
Checkouts near the entrance of a store help staff keep a watchful eye on who’s going in and coming out.
Retail security is a long game, with a playing field that frequently shifts courtesy of criminals who constantly think of new ways to target a store. The key takeaway here is that security needs to be revised and reviewed on a regular basis, because what worked five years ago or even last year may no longer suffice.
The type of security a retailer implements depends on what they sell, their location, and the characteristics of the retail unit. Some premises are at a higher risk of theft than others, particularly those that sell small, high-value items, such as jewelry stores.
Consulting with a security firm is the best way to ensure high-quality protection. Security operations almost always reduce losses and pay for themselves over time.
Reasons To Hire Security Officers In Retail Stores
Retail stores and malls bring in masses of people of all types. People browsing around and making purchases can result in large crowds and significant foot traffic. With all of these people to deal with, it’s important to keep all your customers and employees safe. Private security guards can be a great way to protect your business and provide peace of mind. Here are some benefits of hiring retail security guards in retail stores and malls.
1. Stopping Shoplifters
One of the biggest concerns in retail is shoplifting. With so many different products and customers in a store, it can be hard to keep track of every individual. Shoplifting can create huge monetary losses for a company. With security officers present, patrons are less likely to shoplift because of the increased likelihood of getting caught. If someone does try to shoplift, security officers are more likely to see the act and address the situation quickly. Security officers are a great way to deter shoplifters and ensure that they always get caught.
2. Improved Security
Shoplifting is not the only crime that can occur in a retail store. Security officers are highly trained to monitor an area for any suspicious activity. They can address any potential threats before they occur. Security officers are also trained in deescalating situations. Especially during peak retail times such as the holiday season, crowd control and de-escalation of altercations are crucial to keep a retail store running smoothly. Security officers are a great way to improve the overall security of your establishment and ensure that all customers and employees are safe.
3. Added Customer Service
When security officers are patrolling a retail store, they become part of the business. Customers will feel comfortable asking security officers for directions and other assistance they might need. At night, security officers can help escort customers to their vehicles to ensure that they arrive safely. Not only will security officers make your establishment safer, but it will make your customers feel more comfortable and improve their overall satisfaction with their experience.
4. Emergency Situation Response
Security officers are a great asset in the case of emergency situations. Although your store may have drills and certain protocols in place, it can be difficult for untrained individuals to react calmly in a high stress situation. Security officers are trained to maintain a level head in high-pressure situations and react quickly and appropriately. They are also an effective resource in providing instruction for all patrons of an establishment and ensuring that everyone remains calm and reacts appropriately.
5. Peace Of Mind
In addition to improving your safety, hiring private security officers will give you peace of mind that your establishment is secure. Security officers are highly trained. Therefore, you can have complete confidence that they will handle any security situations appropriately. Security officers are well versed in handling security breeches, watching for suspicious activity, deescalating tense situations, responding to an emergency, and monitoring video surveillance. Hiring a private security officer rather than relying on your own employees for these purposes will ensure that these functions are carried out effectively.
Contact Mark
Cel: 084 568 2937